My bf is going to change Streamxy--->P1.
Because Streamxy too slow for us.
We shared a network with 3 computer.
I think it doesn't matter how many computer sharing if the connection is stable, right?
Anyway, ready to say hi to P1. keke.
Okay, back to my topic.
As you can see, i changed the layout of my blog. But just a little changed.
And my header changed also.
I found those pic on Google. And i combined 3 of them together.
How you think about it? Nice.. or.. yucks..?
Tell me the truth anyway. Thanks.
Why i rearranged my blog? okay, good question.
And my answer.. It is 2009! Everything have to be different.
How's my answer sound? hehe.
Anyway, i just want to be happy this year. No matter what will happen the next.
Try to make substantial changes. 2008 full of sadness. For me.
I'm gonna throw away bad luck. Good luck coming for me! Chinese huh.haha.
Okay, let's see how the good luck come for you.
First, relax~~ and relax~~
Second, ease up~~ just keep relax~~
Third, put aside all the annoying stuff and.....
Just like what she did. Yeah, just smile.
Then you'll feel this is.....nice. lol.
Anyway, grinning all the time will extend your life you know. hehe.
No matter what happened, just keep your smile.
Err.. What animal is this? Dog? uh.. tell me if you know.
Hmm.. Can you see it is smiling to you?
Everyone.. Every animals..
Even Buddha also laughing.
Appreciate and cherish everything in your life.
Learn this word!!
Laugh = 笑 = smile
I know sometimes when things get worst and you'll feel sad, unhappy....
What i want to say is try to look around for a minute even a second and you will notice that you are not the worst 1.
And try to look at beautiful things and relax.... then, smile.
Now you've learned it. So, let's do it.